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The term “frame rate” is used in the film and video technology industry to describe the number of individual images that are recorded or played back per unit of time. It is usually measured in (frames per second). These frames per second are an essential component in telling the story of a film, and they require an equally important creative implementation or narrative style condensed on a poster. This is because the viewer’s attention span lasts only for one second. Fps-archive was created out of a love for graphics, film, and their power of attraction. Since 2021, we have been developing an archive and teaching format in collaboration with Filmacademy Vienna, The Academy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart (2021), The Angewandte Vienna (2022), and Kunstuniversität Linz (2023). Project is being supervised by Peter Jäger, an international film producer and lecturer at the Film Academy Vienna. It is initiated, taught and applied by Verena Panholzer, art director from Studio Es who is currently teaching at Kunstuni Linz and Angewandte Vienna. Together with over 70 students in the fields of filmmaking, visual communication, production, and directing, they are building an ever-growing network for the next generation.

Realization, Graphic Design Flowers to Ivan Sukhov together with Studio Es.